ARTEC Group Code of conduct

ARTEC strives to stand as useful and reliable company to society at large.
ARTEC Group, all directors, officers and employees discharge social responsibility with a strong sense of ethical values.

  • 1. Core Value “Customer first, Quality first”
  • We conduct ourselves according to core value “Customer first, Quality first”, and provide socially beneficial and high quality products and services that give satisfaction and trust to customers.
  • 2. Compliance with Laws
  • We comply with domestic and overseas laws and social regulations, and pursue our corporate activities with fairness and integrity.
  • 3. Respect for Human Rights
  • We respect human rights of all stakeholders in business activities and eliminate discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, nation, social status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability. We absolutely do not engage in any conduct that impairs dignity of individuals such as discriminatory behavior, slander, violence, power harassment or sexual harassment.
    We will prohibit child labor and forced labor, and we also request our suppliers to never permit child labor and forced labor.
  • 4.Environmental Consideration
  • We appreciate blessings of nature and recognize the seriousness of global environmental issues. We will act voluntarily and affirmatively to hand over a healthy global environment to the future generations.
    Besides, based on requirements of ISO 14001, we will continuously contribute to reduce the environmental impact through our business activities.
  • 5.Work Environment
  • Respecting diverse personalities of every employee, we support the growth so that they can maximize their capabilities and provide rewarding working environment.
    We shall strive to provide a safe and healthy work environment, enrich the lives of employees and make their physical and emotional comfort.
    Regarding wages, working hours, rest days, paid leave or other working conditions, we will manage properly in accordance with relevant laws and internal rules.
  • 6.Disaster response and preparedness
  • When a disaster occurs, we place top priority on safeguarding lives, and we strive to minimize the damage and prevent secondary disasters.
    We will meet our social responsibilities by working on early recovery and restarting the business while maintaining close contact and cooperation with our business partners.
    Conducting the annual disaster drill, we set out to reinforce the disaster readiness and let the awareness of disaster prevention sink in.
  • 7.Mutual Growth with Partner Companies
  • We build business relationships based on fair rules and establish trust with partner companies through seamless communication.
    Gifts and entertainment must be duly, reasonable and within the extent of social norms.
  • 8.Management of confidential information and protection of intellectual property rights
  • We properly manage confidential and personal information of ARTEC Group and others to prevent it from being leaked, lost or illegally used.
  • We protect and manage our intellectual property, and we respect and never infringe intellectual property of others.
  • 9.Sound Relationships with Political Bodies and Government Agencies
  • We maintain sound and transparent relationships with the government and political bodies, and break off any collusive relationships with them.
  • 10.Standing against Antisocial Forces
  • We take a resolute stand against and reject any connection with antisocial forces and organizations that threaten social order or safety.
  • 11.Contribution to Society
  • We actively engage social contribution activities and seek coexistence within communities.
    Through business activities on the global stage, we conduct business by taking into consideration the local culture and customs, and contribute toward the development of the local economy and society.